Sunday, December 11, 2011

Maybe Tomorrow??

K, things went good today. Not many contractions or heart decelerations! I think my fluid has gone up sufficiently that the kid can't find his cord anymore to play with, pinch, and wrap himself all up in. Seriously, when my fluid was low and we did an ultrasound he was surrounded with the darn thing. You could see it wrapped around his legs, lying in piles under his head and back, and he even had a nice chunk of it in his hands that he was playing with during the ultrasound. So it was easy to figure out why his heart rate was dropping so much, and now things are much more calm. They also have me on a new medicine schedule. Instead of taking terbutaline and procardia every 6 hours alternating so that I get one every 3 hours, I just take procardia now every 4 hours, which is the max dose. The problems was my body got too used to the terb and it didn't do anything to help, so it was basically like I was only getting medicine every 6 hours. Now I get procardia every 4 hours and that seems to be working well, only problem is that it takes about an hour to kick in and sometimes that's too long, so if I'm having contractions in between doses or before the next dose has fully kicked in then I take terbutaline, which now that I haven't been taking it as much it is a lot more effective. This system is working quite well and I'm hoping it will buy us a few more weeks! So that's the deal there, we'll talk to the doctors tomorrow and see what they think, but I think they'll let me go!
The boys have been so cute since they came home. I think going away alone together without mom and dad helped them become even better friends because they love playing together even more now. And they've been sharing better, too. Tonight they each had a cookie and Caden of course scarfed his while Easton ate a bite here and there so when Caden realized his was gone and Easton still had his he asked Easton for a bite. Jonathan was holding Easton's cookie and E grabbed it and walked over and stuck it in Caden's mouth for him to take a bite. Then he took one and they laughed and went on playing their little "game" of biting the cookie. The only problem was that Easton is a major hugger and wanted a hug after each bite to go with Cade's "thank you." Caden, in being opposite to his brother in almost every way, is not a touchy-feely sort of guy and would awkwardly lean into Easton's chest while E hugged his head, but eventually he didn't even want to do that so Easton had to settle for a simple "thank you." The funny thing about Cade is he LOVES to be touched and could have his back/leg/hand tickled forever, but when it comes to hugs he wants nothing to do with them. Kisses are okay though. :)
I also wanted to record something about Easton before I forget. Like I said, he's a major hugger, and snuggler, and kisser, and cuddler... basically we're going to have to have some serious talks with him about physical affection before he starts dating. But for now it's so fun to have a snuggler. The only part that's become a problem is that he watches me and Jonathan kiss and so sometimes he tries to give me long, loving smooches like Daddy does. I decided it was making me a little uncomfortable so I told him that he should kiss mom and dad on the cheek from now on to avoid the problem. It worked for about a day, then one night when he was going down for bed I gave him my cheek to kiss and he kissed it, but when I looked at him he had tears in his eyes and the saddest look on his face I've ever seen. I asked what was wrong and he said he was just so sad that he couldn't kiss me on the lips. Break my heart. So I told him that he could but it just needed to be a quick kiss because only mommies and daddies do long kisses. The kid got so excited and gave me a quick peck and was happy as a little lark. And I felt like a big jerk for telling him he couldn't. And then it just makes me think about how fast he's growing up and how soon he'll be in high school and might not want to kiss me or cuddle me at all anymore. Oh, why do they have to grow up? That's the worst part of parenting! Of course it seems like I want to freeze him at every stage, so I know the ones coming will be fun too, but that will mean others are left behind. I think I baby Caden already because I realize from Easton that he'll be big too soon. In fact if you tell Cade he's a big boy he'll say, "No, I not a big boy. I a baby!" I don't mind having two babies, I'll enjoy it while I can. Hopefully Caden won't mind the fact that soon he won't be the only baby in the house!

1 comment:

Tannie Datwyler said...

I'm so glad it seems like the medicines are working better!! I'll keep the prayers coming and hopefully you can go home.

Easton sounds JUST like Linus with the hugging and kissing. :) That little boy has been a snuggler since the moment he was born. I LOVED having a snuggly baby. I miss that with my girls... neither of them would snuggle with me hardly at all as babies (unless D is DEAD asleep - then she has no choice). Claire gives hugs and kisses now though.

Linus on the other hand, kisses and hugs me all day long. He's into kisses on the lips, but he's pretty good to keep it to pecks. He only kisses me on the lips, not Richard. :) Most the time I try to convince him to do the cheek. I agree with you... I wonder if we are going to need to have a little talk about appropriate affection to show for girls later. :)