Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Food Glorious Food!

I've always thought of Easton as a pretty easy-going guy, but I've learned that even the mellowest of boys can go nuts when it comes to food! I wasn't planning on starting Easton on baby food until 6 months, but a few weeks before he hit that age he started going crazy when we would eat at the table together without him. He would kick and scream until we lifted him up to the table and let him play with our plates and suck on our spoons, so I gave in and bought him some baby food. WOW, I think that was the happiest moment of his life! He was giggling his head off when he tasted those mashed up carrots and gobbled up his squash with gusto. So far he's had squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas, pears, peaches, prunes (a necessity!), peas, and green beans. He loves all this new goodness but zips his lips tight whenever he sees something green coming toward his mouth! Mommy is definitely going to win this battle, though!

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