Friday, January 6, 2012

Still cookin'

I'm updating again, mostly because I'm bored. I've been up for a few hours and I'm tired of reading news and looking at people's blogs. Mostly I'm tired of being tired. It's awfully hard to sleep when you're having contractions every few minutes. Usually I'll get a few hours a night when the medicine will calm the intensity down enough and I'm so tired I can sleep through them, but after I get a little rest and am not too dead-tired enough to notice them, I can't ignore them anymore. Luckily you don't need a lot of sleep when you do nothing all day :)  And I keep telling myself it's better than him being at the NICU.
So I've started getting really worried lately. With Caden, I went from "I'm kind of uncomfortable from this stomach pain" to having bearing down pains in 1 1/2 hours. Yikes. So I'm a little stressed this time about knowing when to go in. I have cramping and pressure pretty much all day so that won't give it away. I had back pain with Easton but never with Caden so I don't know if that's going to come or not. I asked my doctor and he said the only thing he can think of is waiting for them to get regular, so I spend a lot of time counting them when I'm not actually on the monitor. So far we're not exactly regular so I guess that's good. They'll come every 6 minutes, then every 3, then 2, then 4, then 2, then 5, then 7, and just keep changing so I guess as long as it stays like that I'm staying put here. Which I'm totally fine with. I'm happy I made it this far and don't have the worries I had before, but still, the longer he cooks the better. I remember when I hit 24 wks and my cousin Megan texted me "Happy 50% day!" because that was his chance of survival at that age and I was SO excited to have made it there since my cervix was already shortening and I was on anti-contraction medicine and bedrest. I didn't care what issues he had, I was just happy he had at least that much chance of surviving. Now it's like 98% chance, I think almost the same as a full-term baby with no greater risk of long-term complications than a full-termer. Hooray! So anyway, things are good here and I know this is stuff I've already said but.... I'm bored. And a main intention of me updating this was so you all know that he has not come yet :) I know when I'm waiting for a friend to have their baby I'm constantly checking online and texting them to see if it's baby time so I figured maybe some of you are crazy like me. Not yet though, although after my monitoring yesterday my doctor looked at the strip and then called to tell me that it looks like he'll be coming really soon, the medicine isn't doing much anymore. Even though this is exactly what he told me at my appointment the day before, it made me a little more nervous because usually a nurse just calls and let me know how many I had and asks me how I'm feeling and everything and decided with him if I need to go into the hospital, so the fact that he called me himself just to tell me that and remind me of what to watch for to head over to labor and delivery made me a little more nervous that he'll be here really soon. We'll see! Hopefully Easton gets his birthday wish that the baby will come at 6am on his birthday in a few weeks. That would be stupendous.
Well, I'm done. Easton just woke up and came out and said, "Mom, how did you wake up before me?" I told him my stomach hurt so I came out on the couch so I didn't wake up Dad and then I asked him how he woke up so early. He said he heard me out here and wanted to come out and snuggle with me. Off to snuggle time I go! :)


Unknown said...

Yes, I'm crazy like you, I keep checking to make sure you haven't had him yet, so thanks for keeping me updated!! :)

Sarah said...

I check a couple of times a day to see if you've had him! I'm glad that you're kind enough to update often. Contractions are the worst.

Tannie Datwyler said...

Yes, you are right - I keep checking to see if your baby boy is born, so thanks for sharing!!